07.45 |
William Webb
| CEO | Weightless SIG |
Opening Address |
08.30 |
Overview of TV White Space Trial Activity around the World |
A number of trials have shown how the unused capacity can be tapped, on a licence-exempt basis, whilst leaving existing services unimpaired. Providing a summary of trial activities to date, and highlighting some of the recent ground-breaking work in Asia and Africa.
Andrew Stirling | Microsoft |
Session Regulation & Standardisation Issues |
09.00 |
Ofcom: Implementing Geolocation in the UK
An overview of Ofcom’s approach to allowing access to TV white spaces in the UK and its pilot implementation.
Reza Karimi | OFCOM UK |
09.30 |
Towards the CEPT Regulation for WSDs |
The CEPT activities in the field of cognitive radio systems have resulted in setting up a number of principles and defining fundamental requirements for the operation of TV white space devices. Among them are the geo-location database control and the master-slave concept. These are believed to form the ground for the CEPT regulation of TV white space devices. However, some open questions still exist.
Alexandre Kholod | Chairman | OFCOM "SWITZERLAND" |
10.00 |
Introduction of New Sharing Concepts in the Spectrum Regulatory Framework
Providing an overview of the regulatory framework on the use of spectrum, current practices in terms of spectrum management and management of frequency authorisations. Analysing new spectrum sharing concepts, particularly White Space Devices (WSD) and Licensed Shared Access (LSA).
Emmanuel Faussurier | Spectrum Planification Manager | ANFR |
10.30 |
11.00 |
Licensed Shared Access (LSA): an Innovative Approach of Spectrum Sharing |
Giving a motivation for the deployment of LSA and discussing the advantages related to alternative approaches. Introducing the principles and a possible architecture and describing current status in research and standardization.
Dr. Michael Gundlach | Nokia SOLUTIONS AND Networks
Panel |
11.30 |
How European Countries will Arrive at White Space Regulation
Chairman William Webb | CSO | Neul and CEO | Weightless SIG
Dr. Michael Gundlach | Nokia SOLUTIONS AND Networks
Apurva N. Mody | Chairman | WhiteSpace Alliance Alexandre Kholod | Chairman | Fed. Office of Communications | CEPT SE 43
Emmanuel Faussurier | ANFR |
12.30 |
Frederic Villain | CEO | Demand Side Instruments
Session White Space Services |
14.00 |
A TVWS Resilient Wireless Trial for Public Safety Application
For this specific scenario a TVWS wireless communication system was designed and implemented on a real-time trial. Highlighting the benefits of TVWS for such a use case. Presenting experimental results of trials carried out on a large campus.
Dominique Noguet | CEA/Leti |
14.30 |
What we have Learned from White Space Trials in the US and World Wide
Overview of the pilots and trials in a variety of terrains and foliage impairments. Feedback on regulatory, installation techniques, power issues, network interface and performance needs. Countries such as US, South Africa, Malawi, Vietnam, Singapore, are discussed. Thoughts about CAPEX, OPEX, ARPU and delivery systems are presented for debate.
Jim Carlson | CEO & President | Carlson Wireless |
15.00 |
Water Information Mesh Network & White Spaces Usage
WIN4SMART project proposes a low-power cost effective solution for a wireless communication infrastructure dedicated to the monitoring of the water distribution mesh network system. DSI will present its optimized approach based on the usage of TV white spaces.
Frederic Villain | CEO | Demand Side Instruments |
15.30 |
SIGFOX Network Roll Out Descriptions |
The Sigfox network, which is currently available in France, The Netherlands and Russia, already connects tens of thousands of objects and is being rolled out worldwide. Customers include Clear Channel for outdoor ad stations & MAAF (leading French Insurance agency) for B2C fire and intrusion detection.
Ludovic Lemoan | CEO | Sigfox |
16.00 |
TV White Space Rural Broadband Access Services
Stephan Weiss | University of Strathclyde |
16.30 |