09.00 |
This tutorial is supported by European Coordination Action Cognitive Radio Standardization-initiative (CRS-i). |
Presented by
Dominique Noguet | CEA/Leti |
Morning Session |
10.00 |
Some background highlighting the reasons behind the growing interest on dynamic spectrum access (DSA). Showing that the conjunction of the increasing needs for spectrum resource and the emergence of technologies such as software defined radio and cognitive radio made DSA a technically valid approach.
Cognitive radio has now reached 10 years of development maturity. However, commercial deployment is only emerging nowadays. Sharing spectrum with DSA requires viable business models, standards and regulation acceptance. Today, these ingredients are starting to be put into place in the UHF interleaved spectrum; the so-called TeleVision White Spaces (TVWS). |
12.00 |
Afternoon Session |
14.00 |
The US regulator (FCC) has authorized TVWS devices to operate under strict coexistence rules. The coexistence scheme is enforced with a priority mechanism where opportunistic systems must guarantee that no 'harmful interference' will be incurred to the incumbents. Describing this pioneering sharing model, along with more recent proposals such as Licenced Shared Access.
Introducing the necessary underlying technology as a preliminary overview of the TVWS ecosystem that will be further developed in the rest of the Summit. |
16.00 |