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07.45 |
Michael Fitch
| Research and Innovation Department | BT |
Introduction Session |
08.30 |
Key Parameters in Determining the Amount of White Space and History of White Space Regulation |
William Webb
| CEO | Weightless SIG |
09.00 |
WhiteSpace Alliance Report |
Apurva N. Mody
| Chairman | WhiteSpace Alliance
| Chairman | IEEE 802.22 Standard Working Group |
Session Report from European Projects |
09.30 |
QoSMOS: a Framework for Cognitive Radio
QoSMOS is a Framework 7 Integrating Project from call 4. The project began on 1st January 2010 and will run for 36 months. Co-ordinated by British Telecommunications plc in the UK, it has 14 partners from across Europe and one from Japan. The primary objective of QoSMOS is to develop a framework for Cognitive Radio systems and to develop and prove critical technologies using a test-bed.
Michael Fitch | Research and Innovation Department | BT |
10.00 |
10.30 |
Exploiting TV White Space in Europe: Results from the FP7 COGEU Project
COGEU is a composite of technical, business, and regulatory domains, with the objective of taking advantage of the TV digital switch-over (or analogue switch-off) by developing cognitive radio systems that leverage the favorable propagation characteristics of the TV White Spaces (TVWS) without interference with DVB-T reception.
Paulo Marques | Professor | Instituto de Telecomunicações – Portugal |
11.00 |
COST-TERRA: Techno-Economic View on Cognitive Radio and White Space
COST Action IC0905 (COST-TERRA) is a multi-disciplinary European forum focused on coordinating techno-economic studies that aim for development of harmonised regulatory policies to facilitate the advancement and broad commercial deployment of Cognitive Radio. This talk will give an update of COST-TERRA findings as relevant to the exploitation of White Spaces, highlighting technical sharing considerations as well as business and novel licensing aspects.
Dr. Arturas Medeisis | Chair & Head of Telecommunications Engineering Department | COST-TERRA | Vilnius Gediminas Technical University |
Session Wireless Technologies for White Space |
11.30 |
Flexible TVWS Usage with FBMC
Presenting a flexible radio approach for opportunistic access to the television white space (TVWS). An experimental setup validates the coexistence with a TV broadcast signal and a comparison with a classical approach shows the gain in performance.
Dominique Noguet | CEA/Leti |
12.00 |
Dominique Noguet | CEA/Leti |
14.00 |
Weightless: a Wireless Standard for M2M
M2M is forecast to have 50 billion connections by 2020 but we do not currently have a wireless technology suitable for this market. Weightless has been developed as a wireless standard specifically for M2M, able to provide the features, low power, long battery life and low costs needed by machines. Providing an overview of the technology, the standard and its deployment in white space.
William Webb | CSO | Neul and CEO | Weightless SIG |
14.30 |
INFOSAT Telecom: TVWS and DVB-T Coexistence
Describing an experimental TVWS license. Studying interference with DVB-T transmitters, filtered OFDM spectral purity, interference simulation with DVB-T (in the case of a high density of TVWS BS), coverage and bandwidth achieved.
Comparing OFDM / FBMC solution and discussing possible interferences via TDF's Lab models.
François Hedin | Infosat Telecom |
15.00 |
SIGFOX: a Frequency Agnostic Radio Technology |
Describing a disruptive radio technology and base station architecture, using SDR (Software Defined Radio), and a backhaul consisting of advanced, secured and extremely fault tolerant, data routing services and APIs. The radio technology is built upon UNB (Ultra Narrow Band). The SIGFOX network is being rolled out worldwide in the ISM bands, but the solution can just as well be deployed in licensed bands or whitespaces.
Ludovic Lemoan | CEO | Sigfox |
15.30 |
Spectrum Management Issues for TV White Spaces Wireless Network
The TV white spaces are unlicensed frequencies and the benefit of long range connectivity and charge free aspects make it very attractive to the end users. Discussing spectrum management and access technologies. In particular, illustrating how network could be configured to maintain the benefit of this 'free' spectrum without complexity.
Frederic Villain | CEO | Demand Side Instruments |
16.00 |
Session Database |
16.30 |
Spectrum Bridge: Lessons from Commercial Deployment |
Spectrum Bridge has been certified since February 2012.
The regulator cares about protecting the incumbent: what about protecting the white space user from the incumbent?
How does TVWS act as a catalyst to more dynamic access and sharing in other bands?
Peter Stanforth | CTO | Spectrum Bridge Inc |
17.00 |
BT's Approach to Database Issues
BT has built a prototype TVWS database that calculates path loss across 250m pixels in the UK from all of the TV transmitters and known relays. From this we see the best channels to use and calculate the maximum WSD power while keeping the interference within acceptable limits. Also shown are a set of protocols for communicating with the database.
Michael Fitch | Research and Innovation Department | BT |
17.30 |
TV White Space Geo-location Database
The concept of sharing spectrum through use of a geo-location database system was proposed almost a decade ago. Since then, the technology has matured from pilots to commercial deployments in the US and is being explored for use by regulators worldwide. Geo-location databases systems provide a model that can be extended for use in other spectrum sharing opportunities.
John P. Malyar | Chief Architect | iconectiv |
Panel |
18.00 |
Co-existence between Different Unlicensed Users in White Space
Is There a Need for Regulation or will the Database be able to Cope?
ETSI BRAN Specification and Issues with Passing Certification
Dominique Noguet | CEA/Leti
Michael Fitch | Research and Innovation Department | BT
Peter Stanforth | CTO | Spectrum Bridge Inc
Frederic Villain | CEO | Demand Side Instruments
William Webb | CEO | Weightless SIG
Andrew Stirling | Microsoft
Paulo Marques | Professor | Instituto de Telecomunicações – Portugal
Dr. Arturas Medeisis | Chair & Head of Telecommunications Engineering Department | COST-TERRA | Vilnius Gediminas Technical University
19.00 |