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08.15 |
Eric Vyncke | CISCO
Eric graduated from the University of Liege, Belgium, in 1983 with a Master degree in Computer Science.
He worked for a couple of companies like Siemens where he was the architect of the firewall product and of the military message handling system.
Since 1997, he works for Cisco as a Distinguished Engineer reporting to the CTO by helping customers with security designs and since 2005 with IPv6 deployments. He assists product design by advising engineering teams in Cisco. His area of expertise includes the security aspects of LAN switching, IP telephony and IPv6.
He is a guest professor at several Belgian universities (where he helped the IPv6 deployment), participates regularly at the IETF (author of RFC 3585 & 5514). He is also a respected speaker at conferences such as RSA Conferences.
He holds a CISSP certification.
He is the main author of 'LAN Switch Security' and the co-author of 'IPv6 Security'. His www.vyncke.org/ipv6status/ is an IPv6-deployment status reference.
09.00 |
Ciprian Popoviciu | President and CEO | nephos6
"Dr. Ciprian Popoviciu is president and CEO of Nephos6, an IPv6 and Cloud services company. He has over 13 years of experience working for Cisco in various technical and leadership roles covering the strategy, architecture, validation and implementation of large scale Cloud and IPv6 deployments Worldwide. He is an industry recognized IPv6 domain expert contributing to both protocol standardization and the definition of national level strategies for IPv6 adoption. Ciprian authored two IPv6 books: “Deploying IPv6 Networks” and “Global IPv6 Strategies”. He co-authored five IPv6 related IETF RFCs and multiple IPv6 related patents. Ciprian is a frequent speaker at industry events and conferences and he is an active contributor to various technology and scientific publications."
09.20 |
Ragnar Anfinsen | Altibox
09.40 |
10.00 |
Carsten Rossenhövel | Managing Director | EANTC AG
Carsten Rossenhoevel is Managing Director of EANTC AG (European
Advanced Networking Test Center), an independent test lab in Berlin, Germany.
EANTC offers vendor-neutral network test services for network
equipment manufacturers, service providers, and enterprises.
In this role, Carsten is responsible for EANTC's business development
and marketing. Carsten has over 20 years of experience in
telecommunication networks and testing. His technical areas of
expertise include Multi Protocol Label Switching (MPLS), Carrier
Ethernet, Triple Play, and Mobile Backhaul.
Carsten represents EANTC at the Metro Ethernet Forum (MEF) since 2005.
He currently serves as the MEF's EMEA Marketing Co-Chair and chairs
the MEF's Mobile Backhaul Marketing Focus Group. Carsten has edited
the MEF's ENNI Abstract Test Suite which has been ratified as MEF37.
Carsten is one of the co-founders of EANTC AG. Before joining EANTC,
he studied computer science at the Technical University of Berlin and
worked as a software engineer, as well as consultant in the financial
services and media sector.
10.20 |
Jan Zorz | ISOC
"Dr. Ciprian Popoviciu is president and CEO of Nephos6, an IPv6 and Cloud services company. He has over 13 years of experience working for Cisco in various technical and leadership roles covering the strategy, architecture, validation and implementation of large scale Cloud and IPv6 deployments Worldwide. He is an industry recognized IPv6 domain expert contributing to both protocol standardization and the definition of national level strategies for IPv6 adoption. Ciprian authored two IPv6 books: “Deploying IPv6 Networks” and “Global IPv6 Strategies”. He co-authored five IPv6 related IETF RFCs and multiple IPv6 related patents. Ciprian is a frequent speaker at industry events and conferences and he is an active contributor to various technology and scientific publications."
Panel - How to Measure IPv6? |
Ron Broersma | Chief Engineer, Defense Research and Engineering Network | DREN
Erik Kline | Google
Franck Le Gall | IPv6 European Observatory
12.30 |
14.00 |
Deployments and Implementations |
14.00 |
William Rubin | Ericsson
Bill has over 25 years of telecommunications experience in technical, business and managerial areas. He has extensive experience with telecommunications technologies, architectures and market issues including: transition to NGN, IP networks, Voice over IP, optical transport (i.e., DWDM, SONET/SDH), Mobile backhaul for 2G/3G networks, Metro Ethernet, migration to IMS networks, and operations, telecommunications services and user applications. He has provided technical consulting services for major Service Providers throughout the world with a current focus on migration to IP-based converged networks.
14.30 |
Liviu Pislaru | IP Design Network Architect | RCS & RDS
Liviu Pislaru has a B.S. in Mathematics and Computer Science from the University of Bucharest. He graduated in 2003 and has been working for RCS & RDS ever since. He is a Network Architect on the IP/MPLS Backbone Team now and also Chief Architect for IPv6.
15.00 |
Sheng Jiang | Senior Staff Engineer | Huawei Technologies
- Senior Engineer of Network Product Line, Huawei
- 8 RFC, 12 WG drafts and author of more than ten active drafts in IETF
The associated rapporteur of "Impact of IPv6 to an NGN" Question in ITU
- Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from University College London 2005 for his excellent work on combining Grid with IPv6 and Mobile IPv6
- Involve IPv6-relevant work since 2001
- He joined Huawei Technologies 2005, is now mainly working on IPv6 research and standardization as a senior engineer
- Active in IETF, ITU-T and BBF
15.30 |
Wang Jianquan | Director Network Technology Research Center | China Unicom
16.00 |
Dr. Thomas Kuehne | Head of IP Network Design |
Kabel Deutschland Vertrieb
As a veteran with 15 years of industry experience, Mr. Kuehne has covered the whole width of the service provider spectrum ranging from classical fixed-line telco via mobile to cable service provider MSO. In all roles, Mr. Kuehne was responsible for designing the backbone and service infrastructure and making sure that all required services are supported flawlessly by the infrastructure.
In 2010, after joining Kabel Deutschland, Germany’s largest cable operator, Mr. Kuehne began working on the IPv6 readiness of the backbone networks and also on providing a means for the IPv4 centric services to continue operating via a Large Scale NAT infrastructure. Mr. Kuehne’s talk will cover brief introductions on available Large Scale NAT technologies and the reasoning behind selecting DS-Lite as the transitioning mechanism for Kabel Deutschland followed by some insights gained from the live deployment of DS-Lite in Kabel Deutschland’s IP backbone. |
16.30 |
Wim Henderickx | Director Consulting Engineering IP |
17.00 |
Daryl Tanner | Virgin Media
Daryl Tanner is a Network Architect at Virgin Media, the UK’s cable operator, offering quad play services with over 4.5 million residential customers.
Daryl has over 12 years engineering and architecture experience in Cable Television and Broadband technologies. He is primarily responsible for Virgin Media’s DHCP and DNS architectures, and he is also the lead IPv6 architect driving the adoption of IPv6 for both business and residential cable broadband services.
Daryl is currently contributing to an ETSI standard on Cable Transition to IPv6 and is an active member of Cable Labs and Cable Europe Labs working groups on IPv6.
17.30 |