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07.45 |
John Brzozowski | Comcast Cable
At Comcast, John provides technical leadership and guidance for our deployment of IPv6 across all of our services. He leverages his expertise and experience to drive the adoption and implementation of IPv6 in the real world and at scale, ensuring that innovative solutions are in place to support traditional and next generation services. John has contributed significantly to many standards and technologies critical to the adoption of IPv6 globally, across voice, video, and Internet networks and services. He works closely with CableLabs on DOCSIS and PacketCable specifications, and is very involved with the IETF, where he is co-chair of the DHC working group. John also is chair of the Consumer Electronics Association (CEA) IPv6 Working Group and the Society of Cable Telecommunications Engineers (SCTE) IPv6 Deployment Working Group as well as an active contributor on a range of IPv6 issues globally.
09.00 |
Yanick Pouffary
Global IPv6 Development
Yanick Pouffary is a Distinguished Technologist and Chief Architect in the Office of the CTO within HP Services. Yanick draws upon nearly three decades of experience in the development of networking products and technologies. As Chief Architect, Yanick is tasked with developing network strategic vision and technology roadmaps for Network Services and Cloud Services offering. As HP IPv6 Global leader, Yanick is responsible for HP’s IPv6 strategy to adopt and deliver this technology. Yanick represents HP network technology interests in multiple industry standards development organizations and consortia.
Yanick Pouffary is a founding member of the IPv6 Forum (www.ipv6forum.org), an IPv6 Forum Fellow, North American IPv6 Task Force Technology Director (www.nav6tf.org) and General Chairperson for the IPv6 Logo Programs (Ready & Enabled & Education). Yanick is a strategic adviser to government agencies to assist in the deployment of IPv6 around the globe. Yanick is one of the distinguished recipients of the IPv6 Forum Internet Pioneer Award for her technology contributions to support the adoption and deployment of IPv6. In May 2009 Yanick was appointed member of the United Nations Strategy Council of the Global Alliance for ICT and Development.
She holds a Master of Science in Computer Science from the State University of New York at Stony Brook, NY, USA and a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science from the University of Nice, France. |
09.30 |
Bill Rubino | Marketing Manager | Cisco
Bill Rubino is a responsible for product and solution marketing for Cisco’s Enterprise Mobility Solutions as well as other Launch and Thought Leadership activities.
Bill has been working in the networking industry for over 20 years and has held a number of different positions for a variety of networking companies.
Prior to Cisco, Bill was a Principal industry analyst for The Connected Analysis Group where he focused on emerging wireless technologies. Bill also worked at Motorola where he was Senior Product Manager responsible for Motorola’s Outdoor Wireless Broadband Product Portfolio. Bill has previously worked in a variety of positions at Nortel Networks, Sycamore Networks, Bay Networks, Wellfleet Communications, and Proteon.
Bill is also the co-author of two patents associated with switching and routing.
A lifelong Red Sox fan, Bill resides in Orlando, FL with his wife and young son.
10.30 |
10.30 |
Behcet Sarikaya | Senior Research Engineer | Huawei
Previously worked on protocol testing, interoperability, test machines and test case, test suite design
Previously worked 2+ years as Mobile Networking Team leader in Alcatel USA
10+ years of IETF participation on IPv6 mobility
Holding leadership positions in IETF and in IEEE 802
Made 100+ contributions to IETF, Broadband Forum, IEEE 802, WiMAX Forum
Expert in mobility, IPv6 migration , Machine-to-Machine and fixed mobile convergence |
V6 and Home Networking |
11.00 |
Ole troan | co-author of the IETF Homenet Architecture
Ole Trøan is a 14 year Cisco veteran. Currently based in Norway, he is working on IPv6 architecture, standardization and deployment. He is active in the IETF and the Broadband forum. He has authored a number of RFCs on IPv6. Previously he led cisco's Japan Development Centre in Tokyo and prior to that he worked in the UK as a software engineer where Ole worked on all aspects of cisco's IOS IPv6 implementation |
11.30 |
Advance IP Home Networking
John Brzozowski | Comcast Cable |
12.00 |
Bob Hinden | Checkpoint Software Fellow
Bob Hinden is the co-inventor of IPv6. He is a Check Point Fellow at Check Point Software, and co-chairs the IETF IPv6 working group and is chair of the IETF Administrative Oversight Committee. He is also a member of the Board of Trustees of the Internet Society. Previously at Nokia where he was a Nokia Fellow, Chief Internet Technologist at Nokia Networks, and Chief Technical Officer (CTO) at the Nokia IP Routing Group.
Bob Hinden was one of the early employees (i.e., employee number 4) of Ipsilon Networks, Inc. Ipsilon was acquired by Nokia on December 31, 1997. He was previously employed at Sun Microsystems where he was responsible for the Internet Engineering group that implements internet protocols for Sun's operating systems. Prior to this he worked at Bolt, Beranek, and Newman, Inc. on a variety of internetwork related projects including the first operational internet router and one of the first TCP/IP implementations.
Bob Hinden was co-recipient of the 2008 IEEE Internet Award for pioneering work in the development of the first Internet routers. Bob Hinden has been active in the IETF since 1985 and is is the author of thirty-six RFCs. He is the chair of the IETF Administrative Oversight Committee (IAOC) and co-chairs the 6man working group. Prior to this he served on the Internet Architecture Board (IAB), was Area Director for Routing in the Internet Engineering Steering group from 1987 to 1994, and chaired the IPv6, Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol, Simple Internet Protocol Plus, IPAE, the IP over ATM, and the Open Routing working groups. He is also a member of the RFC Editorial Board.
Bob Hinden holds an B.S.E.E., and a M.S. in Computer Science from Union College, Schenectady, New York. |
12.30 |
14.00 |
Jari Arkko | Ericsson
Jari Arkko is an Expert on Internet Architecture with Ericsson Research in Jorvas, Finland. From March 2013 he is serving as the chair of the IETF, and has previously worked one of the Internet Area Directors in the Internet Engineering Steering Group (IESG) and in the IAB. Jari has published 36 RFCs, including specifications for Mobile IPv6, EAP-AKA, Diameter, SEND, and various IPv6 related documents. Jari has also served in the Technical Advisory Board for the IP Smart Objects Alliance (IPSO) and works in a number of research projects at Ericsson.
Jari has also worked in the implementation of routers, VPN software, testing tools, modem banks, cellular network nodes, AAA systems, compilers, and AI systems. He received his Licentiate’s degree from Helsinki University of Technology in 1996. Jari’s main interests include Internet architecture, IPv6, small implementations, the Internet of Things, social media, Internet governance, and cutting through hype that often surrounds some aspects of our technology. He likes to build and and use the technology that he works with. For instance, he moved to an IPv6-only network in 2010 and builds smart home networks as a hobby. He frequently communicates with his laundry on Facebook.
V6 only in the Cloud and the Core |
14.30 |
Ian Farrer | Senior Architect | Deutsche Telekom AG
15.00 |
Tore Anderson | Redpill Linpro AS
Tore Anderson is a network and infrastructure architect at the Oslo offices of Redpill Linpro, a data centre and application service provider operating in the Nordics. He has been a vocal IPv6 proponent for years, first by helping quantify and fix the "IPv6 Brokenness" issue, followed by deploying IPv6 on several of the largest web sites in Norway. Due to IPv4 depletion being imminent in Redpill Linpro, his current main focus is on developing a unified solution that will ensure both IPv6 deployment and IPv4 service continuity, while at the same time avoiding introducing complexity or decreasing the overall performance of the service delivery platform. He is also an active member of the RIPE and IETF communities, the Norwegian IPv6 Forum, and various operator communities. |
15.30 |
Clarence Filsfils | Cisco
Clarence Filsfils is a Distinguished Engineer at Cisco Systems where he holds key roles in Engineering and Marketing. Clarence has played a leadership role in the development of Quality of Service, IP/MPLS Routing Resiliency, Large-Scale Routing and IP/Optical Integrated Control-Plane technology at Cisco Systems. Clarence is a regular speaker at leading industry Conferences and Standards Development Organizations like the IETF. Clarence holds over 100 patents and has published several industry technology papers on Routing and Quality of Service. Clarence is also the author of a recent industry publication: “Service Provider deployments of Quality of Service (QoS). Clarence holds a Masters in Management from Solvay Business School and a Masters of Engineering in Computer Science from the University of Liege. |
15.50 |
Mark Townsley | Cisco Fellow
An industry-recognized Internet Engineering and Broadband Architecture expert, Mark Townsley joined Cisco in 1997 and is one of sixteen Cisco Fellows.
Mark has been actively involved in Internet industry forums since 1995. His leadership appointments have included: two terms as Internet Area Director of the IETF from 2005-2009, IETF L2TP Working Group Chair from 1999-2005, IESG Liaison to the Internet Architecture Board (IAB), IETF Pseudowire WG Technical Advisor, and co-Chair of the newly formed IETF Home Networking Working Group (Homenet). Mark also serves as an Ambassador of the Broadband Forum, and was invited to speak to the FCC on IPv4 Exhaustion and IPv6 in June 2011.
Mark is currently focused on the effects of IPv4 exhaustion and on removing barriers to IPv6 deployment for Cisco customers and the industry at large. He regularly updates Cisco’s most senior executives about this crucial topic and meets often with Cisco’s Enterprise and Service Provider customers about their IPv6 deployment strategy and IPv4 exhaustion mitigation. In 2010, he co-authored “IPv6 Rapid Deployment” (RFC 5969) which is responsible for the majority of production-grade broadband IPv6 connectivity today. Additionally, Mark is recognized as the primary force behind the Broadband Forum’s recent push to incorporate IPv6 in all of its Technical Reports, and co-authored “IPv6 for PPP Broadband Access”(TR-187).
Originally from Huntsville, Alabama, home of the NASA Marshall Space Flight Center, Mark had access to computer systems and communications technology at an early age. In the 1980s, his first experience with data communications was running pre-Internet dial-up “BBS” Bulletin Board Systems and University mainframes and workstations. Mark then moved to Washington, D.C., to complete his Master’s degree while working at the University of Maryland Institute for Systems Research and Center for Satellite and Hybrid Communications.
After a short stint at IBM, Mark finally joined Cisco in 1997 where he led the scaling of Cisco’s IOS software to support the rapid growth of dial-up and broadband connectivity during the “dot-com” boom. During this period, Mark also designed, developed, and standardized L2TP (RFC 2661), a cornerstone technology enabling handoff of dial-up and broadband Internet connectivity between wholesale access and retail Internet service providers.
Mark holds a Bachelor of Science (summa cum laude) degree in Electrical Engineering from Auburn University and a Master’s degree in Computer Science (magna cum laude) from the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory.
In addition to his industry appointments and work at Cisco, Mark is currently teaching and developing courses on Internet Protocols for École Polytechnique. Mark lives with his family in Paris, France.
16.10 |
Alain Durand | Director, Office of CTO, Platform System Division | Juniper Networks |
16.40 |
17.00 |
Tina Tsou | Huawei
- The co-chair of Hokey (Handover Keying) WG under IETF Security Area
- ITU-T Rapporteur (Q5) and vice chair of Study Group 11 Working Party 2
- Standard Representative of IP Domain of Network Product Line
- IPv6 Team Leader of Network Research
- The first Asian woman based in Asia to chair IETF working group, and also the first working group chair from Chinese vendor and also based in China
- The secretary and member of Operations directorate, member of Security directorate, and member of AAA doctors
- The first ETSI Rapporteur from China
- 6 RFCs, 8 WG drafts |
Simon Perreault | Viagenie |
17.30 |
Paul Zawacki | Enterprise Architect | Oracle
Paul Zawacki has been in the networking industry for over 25 years and is currently an Enterprise Architect in the IT organization at Oracle where he is responsible for the global networks technical strategy. Prior to Oracle, he was in the Network Engineering Design team at MCI where he played a leading role in the early R&D work for VoIP, resulting in a partnership with a major equipment manufacturer on the industry's first commercial product to use SIP. He is a member of several industry advisory boards where he strives to improve standards based product offerings and drive adoption of IPv6. Paul holds a BSBA degree from the University of Colorado and has authored or co-authored nine articles and one book on various topics in IT. |
18.00 |
Ciprian Popoviciu | President and CEO | nephos6
"Dr. Ciprian Popoviciu is president and CEO of Nephos6, an IPv6 and Cloud services company. He has over 13 years of experience working for Cisco in various technical and leadership roles covering the strategy, architecture, validation and implementation of large scale Cloud and IPv6 deployments Worldwide. He is an industry recognized IPv6 domain expert contributing to both protocol standardization and the definition of national level strategies for IPv6 adoption. Ciprian authored two IPv6 books: “Deploying IPv6 Networks” and “Global IPv6 Strategies”. He co-authored five IPv6 related IETF RFCs and multiple IPv6 related patents. Ciprian is a frequent speaker at industry events and conferences and he is an active contributor to various technology and scientific publications." |
18.30 |