WebRTC from the Service Provider Prism
Service providers view WebRTC both as an opportunity and as a threat. Many have taken action to realize the opportunity WebRTC creates for launching new services. As work continues for defining and launching these new services challenges arise in the area of signaling, interworking and interoperability, identity management and bridging the services with IMS networks.The Webinar will review these challenges and solution alternatives based on real life case studies.
This free Webinar will be presented by one of the WebRTC experts and author of some of the WebRTC drafts.
A live and interactive webinar
Pre-webinar questions will be collected from registrants so hurry up and register for free.
Thursday, October 23, 2014
There will be 2 live sessions to cater multiple time zones.FIRST SESSION | SECOND SESSION | |
8am GMT 10am CEST 5pm Tokyo |
3pm GMT 11am EDT (New York) 8am PST (San Francisco) |
Who should attend?
• Service providers’ executives and technology staff• R&D leaders and developers
• Architects, CTOs
• Product managers
• Technology leaders
Webinar Speaking & Sponsorship Opportunities

Please don't hesitate to contact
Frédéric Huysentruyt frederic@upperside.fr or by phone ++33 1 53 46 63 80 (CEST)
View the recording
Best Practices and Common Pitfalls of WebRTC Testing
View the recording
WebRTC from the Service Provider Prism
View the recording
WebRTC for Telcos & Service Providers – Business Model & Organisation Perspectives
View the recording
To Build or Not to Build Your WebRTC Infrastructure?
View the recording
WebRTC Standards Update
Date to be announced soon
The WebRTC Ecosystem
Date to be announced soon
TheTruth about WebRTC Signaling
Presented by Victor Pascual Avila
Victor Pascual Avila is a Technology, Innovation and Strategy Consultant. He is involved in the standardization, development and first industry deployments of WebRTC; helping a number of operators, suppliers and start-ups to make WebRTC happen. Victor is active in several standardization bodies where has co-authored a number of contributions, he co-chairs the STRAW Working Group at the IETF, co-chairs the WebRTC Task Group at the SIP Forum and serves as Expert Reviewer for the European Commission and several industry boards. Last year Victor co-founded the WebRTCHacks.com project and was appointed Chief Strategy Officer (CSO) at Quobis.
Co-presented by Sebastian Schumann
Sebastian Schumann is a senior designer working in the application and platform innovation department in Slovak Telekom. His lead expertise is the evolution of communication services, focusing on IP based Telco platforms (incl. the evolution of legacy equipment) and their convergence within the ever-growing competitive service market. He works in the area of new service creation and implementation and advocates the vision of alternative architecture strategies for operators to better meet actual market needs. Sebastian coordinates the internal WebRTC activities of Slovak Telekom and is very keen on establishing competence in this area far beyond “browser telephony”.
Moderated by Amir Zmora
Amir Zmora is an Independent Consultant for WebRTC and Communications and VP Alliances & Partnerships for AudioCodes. Amir is also the author of TheNewDialTone.
Amir has been working for more than 15 years in the telecommunications industry with strong focus on VoIP and WebRTC. Amir started as an engineer yet for most of his career he has been in product related roles as well as business and marketing.
Among his previous positions, Amir was VP Products & Marketing for the Technology Business Unit of RADVISION, an Avaya company for 5 years where he led the BU turnaround from low level SDKs to client solutions and complimentary products.

Co-presented by Sebastian Schumann

Moderated by Amir Zmora

Amir has been working for more than 15 years in the telecommunications industry with strong focus on VoIP and WebRTC. Amir started as an engineer yet for most of his career he has been in product related roles as well as business and marketing.
Among his previous positions, Amir was VP Products & Marketing for the Technology Business Unit of RADVISION, an Avaya company for 5 years where he led the BU turnaround from low level SDKs to client solutions and complimentary products.