

07.45 |
Luyuan Fang | Principal Network Engineer | Microsoft |
Opening Speeches |
08.30 |
Carrier Ethernet, SDN, NFV and Cloud – a Vision and Strategy
Nan Chen | President | MEF
08.50 |
Open SDN in the Mainstream
How ONF continues to drive the open SDN movement to commercial success.
Dan Pitt | Executive Director | ONF |
09.10 |
SDN as We Envisioned It
Original intent and current marketing hype.
Guru Parulkar | Executive Director ONRC | Stanford University
Keynote Speeches |
09.30 |
Carrier Business Transformation through SDN Migration and Network Evolution towards NFV
Justin Dustzadeh | CTO and VP Technology Strategy,
Fixed Network Business | Huawei
10.00 |
10.30 |
Engineering a network transformation using Service Provider SDN, NFV and Cloud
Bala Thekkedath
| Director of Product Marketing |
Ericsson |
11.00 |
The Key Role of SDN in Networking the Cloud
and Cloudifying the Network
Sunil Khandekar | CEO | Nuage
11.30 |
A Native MPLS Fabric
Kireeti Kompella | Juniper Networks |
12.00 |
Orchestration for Application Centric Networking
Dave Ward | Cisco |
12.30 |
Thomas Nadeau | BROCADE |
Data Center Virtualization: Overlays and WAN Interconnection |
14.00 |
Standardising Virtual Networks for the Data Center |
Providing an update on standardisation in data center virtual networks, focussing on the work of the IETF and NVO3 working group in particular, addressing some key questions of what can realistically be standardised.
Matthew Bocci | Director, Technology and Standards |
Alcatel-Lucent |
14.30 |
Data Center Network Virtualization meets the WAN |
Much as there may be a desire to make connections between virtualized data centers and WANs as "seamless" as possible, there is no getting around the fact that they are significantly different environments. Discussing how these two disparate worlds can be integrated to leverage service provider assets and deliver the services expected by cloud customers.
Bruce Davie | vmWare |
15.00 |
Interconnecting Multi-Tenant DCs Using Ethernet Virtual Network |
Analysing various solutions in different contexts to provide E2E data center solutions for interconnection, while making a case for Ethernet Virtual Network (EVN). This solution offers not only address various requirements for DC interconnection but also provides a way to achieve those using EVN.
Sam K. Aldrin | Huawei Technologies |
15.30 |
Orchestrating Application Delivery in NFV Environments using MPLS‑SDN |
Describing how service providers can innovate in transitioning from a traditional service/application delivery model to a cloud based model by using recent advances in MPLS-SDN. It ties NFV with service chaining in a Telco DC to the VPNs that are used for service transport.
Showing how this can be orchestrated with a hierarchical MPLS L3/EVPN transport service from the MPLS enabled Telco DC to the mobile or fixed access network.
Sriganesh Kini | Distinguished Engineer | Ericsson |
16.00 |
16.30 |
Datacenter Network Virtualization, Open and Simple |
Discussing how network virtualization needs of IaaS DC platforms can be addressed with a simple architecture combining the network API exposed by the cloud management platform and an overlay networking implementation based on the well-known BGP/MPLS architecture for VPN services. Describing how we prototyped such an approach with minimal development resources and largely relying on opensource components.
Thomas Morin | Orange |
17.00 |
A Pragmatic View of SDN for Data Center and Data Center Interconnect |
Discussing the characteristics of modern large scale Data Centers, and WAN DC inter-connections. Sharing our production experiences of “BGP only” Data Center fabric with the SDN controller, including our evolution path from L2 to all L3; additional benefits of SDN controller brings; and further improvement needed.
Luyuan Fang | Principal Network Engineer | Microsoft |
17.30 |
NFV Breaks out of the Data Center |
NFV is almost always discussed in the context of virtual functions resident in data centers. Such centralized placement may indeed substantially simplify operational logistics, but for many network functions of interest it may even more substantially increase bandwidth usage and reduce system performance. Discussing the placement of VNFs at various locations throughout the network, and in particular at the customer premises.
Yaakov (J) Stein | CTO | RAD |
Panel/Debate |
18.00 |
Data Center Virtualization Convergence and NFV Network Requirements |
Carsten Rossenhoevel | EANTC
Kireeti Kompella | Juniper Networks
Dave Ward | Cisco
Bruce Davie | VMware
Thomas Morin | Orange
Axel Clauberg | Deutsche Telekom
Dr. Justin Dustzadeh | Huawei
Bikash Koley | google
Craig Pierantozzi | Microsoft
Wim Henderickx | ALCATEL-LUCENT
Zeev Draer | MRV
Yaakov (J) Stein | RAD |
19.00 |