Conference Room Level O
- Registration and welcome coffee from 07.30
- Start of the Conference 08.30
- Exhibition open from 08.00 to 20.00
- Seated Lunch: 12.30
- End of Conference: 18.20
- 20th Anniversary Social Event: 19.30
Level 0 Tracks 1+2
Tuto BBF
Level 0
Tuto ONF
Level 0 Tracks 1+2
Tuto MEF
Level 0 Track 3
AI Net Tutorial
Auditorium Level -1
Plenary Session
MPLS + SDN + NFV world
AI net Conference
Conference Day 1
Level 0
Plenary Session
MPLS + SDN + NFV world Conference Day 1
Level 0 Track 3
AI net Conference
Auditorium Level -1
Conference Day 2
Level 0 Track 2
Conference Day 2
Level -1 Track 3
AI net Conference
Auditorium Level -1
Conference Day 2
Level 0 Track 2
Conference Day 2
Level -1 Track 3
AI net Conference
Auditorium Level -1
Conference Day 3
Level 0 Track 2
Conference Day 3
Level -1

Roy Chua, Founder and Principal at AvidThink
Roy Chua is Founder and Principal at AvidThink, an independent research and advisory service formed in 2018 out of SDxCentral's research group. Prior to co-founding SDxCentral and running its research and product teams, Roy was a management consultant working with both Fortune 500 and startup technology companies on go-to-market and product consulting. As an early proponent of the software-defined infrastructure movement, Roy is a frequent speaker at technology events in the telco and cloud space and a regular contributor to leading online publications. A graduate of UC Berkeley's electrical engineering and computer science program and MIT's Sloan School of Business, Roy has 20+ years of experience in telco and enterprise cloud computing, networking and security, including founding several Silicon Valley startups.

Tilly Gilbert, Consultant, STL Partners
Tilly is a consultant at STL Partners. She works on a range of client projects with a particular focus on helping telcos squeeze the business potential from artificial intelligence and data analytics. She has a BA in English Language and Literature from Oxford University and an MA in English Literature from the University of Pennsylvania.

Daniel Bar-Lev, Director, Office of the CTO, MEF
As director in the MEF's Office of the CTO, Daniel is responsible for the development and implementation of a range of strategic MEF programs that are central to MEF's transformation to an agile-process oriented standards development organization. These innovative programs - including the MEF Software Developer Community, MEFnet global implementation platform, and MEF Reference Implementations - enable MEF's 210+ member companies to implement draft and published service orchestration and definitions work in code, and to make available standardized open APIs that accelerate the availability of highly agile, assured and orchestrated services for today's hyper-connected world. Daniel has been involved in the networking industry for 25 years holding a variety of positions in RAD Data Communications, as well as co-founding Resolute Networks where he held executive positions. Representing Resolute in the MEF, Daniel served for 3 years as MEF Global Marketing Co-Chair and was elected three times to the MEF Board of Directors. Since 2010, Daniel has been a senior member of the MEF staff.

Imen Grida Ben Yahia, Expert in Future Networks, Orange Labs
Imen Grida Ben Yahia is currently with Orange Labs, France, as Orange Expert in Future Networks. She is leading a research project, on Autonomic & Cognitive Management for software networks. She received her PhD degree in Telecommunication Networks from Pierre et Marie Curie University in conjunction with Télécom SudParis in 2008. Her current research interests are autonomic and cognitive management for software and programmable networks that include artificial intelligence for SLA and fault management, knowledge and abstraction for management operations, intent- and policy-based management. As such, she contributed to several European research projects like Servery, FP7 UniverSelf and the H2020 CogNet and authored several scientific conference and journal papers in the field of autonomic and cognitive management. Imen is Chair of the IEEE Technical Committee on Network Intelligence (ongoing). She is currently TPC chair of Netsoft 2018 and also a member of several TPCs and conference organizing committees.

Valéry Augais, Senior Network Architect, Colt
Valéry Augais is a senior network architect in Colt’s Network On-Demand Architecture & Design team. He joined Colt’s engineering department in 1998 as an access and metro technologies specialist. In the 2010’s he has been actively involved in: the design and roll-out of next-generation packet-based Carrier Ethernet networks and services; the modular integration of the optical, Ethernet and IP layers with the aim of simplifying the transport and service architectures; the evolution of the access network for a smarter mobile backhaul offering; the assessment and development of FTTx technologies and architectures for Colt. Since more recently his current research focus is on optical SDN services, Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning, and NFV infrastructure. Valéry holds two M.Sc. degrees in Telecommunications and Computing from Telecom ParisTech and UPMC University, France.

Jim Guichard, Distinguished Engineer, Huawei
Jim Guichard, a Distinguished Engineer and Head of IP protocol innovation at Huawei, is an experienced network and protocol architect with 25+ years of industry experience and expertise in areas such as Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS), IP routing, L3VPN’s, Software Defined Networking (SDN), Network Function Virtualization (NFV), and Service Chaining. Jim is the inventor of 100+ US & international patents related to IP, MPLS, and network services, and is widely respected for his MPLS/IP, routing, SDN/NFV expertise. He is also the author of several books including “MPLS & VPN Architectures, volumes I & II” and “Definitive MPLS Network Designs”.

Kireeti Kompella, Juniper Networks

Michael Beesley, CTO, SP Networking, Cisco

Sunil Khandekar, Founder & CEO, Nuage Networks
Sunil leads the vision and direction at Nuage Networks, a Silicon Valley-based business that brings a combination of technologies and networking expertise to the enterprise and telecommunications industries. He has built 15+ years of expertise in product management and consulting engineering in leadership roles working with the IP Division of former Alcatel-Lucent (now Nokia) and networking start-up TiMetra Networks, as well as Bay and Nortel Networks in New York and Santa Clara, California. His first professional job came before even earning his degree when he was able to convince a local company in his hometown to hire him as a design engineer during a university-wide strike. Sunil believes that the key to successful leadership is having the ability to define your vision and inspire people to follow it. Nuage Networks’ success so far is due to hiring top talent and building a team of dedicated players focused on bringing new thinking to industry problems. A co-author and contributor to multiple IETF drafts, he is also a regular speaker at industry events and conferences. He has a bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering and a master’s degree in CIS.
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Roy Chua, Founder and Principal at AvidThink
Roy Chua is Founder and Principal at AvidThink, an independent research and advisory service formed in 2018 out of SDxCentral's research group. Prior to co-founding SDxCentral and running its research and product teams, Roy was a management consultant working with both Fortune 500 and startup technology companies on go-to-market and product consulting. As an early proponent of the software-defined infrastructure movement, Roy is a frequent speaker at technology events in the telco and cloud space and a regular contributor to leading online publications. A graduate of UC Berkeley's electrical engineering and computer science program and MIT's Sloan School of Business, Roy has 20+ years of experience in telco and enterprise cloud computing, networking and security, including founding several Silicon Valley startups.

Diego R. Lopez, Chair of ETSI NFV ISG, Co-chair of IRTF's NFVRG, Senior Technology Expert, Telefonica I+D
Since October 2011 Diego R. Lopez is in charge of Technology Exploration at the Global CTO Unit, within Telefónica I+D. His responsibilities are related to the definition and coordination of research projects in the areas of new networking technologies and network infrastructures. He is directly involved in activities related to network virtualization, core optimization, AAA, traffic analysis, and infrastructure security. He is actively participating in the ETSI ISG on Network Function Virtualisation (NFV), chairing its Technical Steering Committee. He is acting as representative of Telefónica in bodies related to network technologies, like the ONF and the BBF, and contributing to several working groups inside IETF.Diego have been appointed by the European Commission as member of the High Level Expert Group on Scientific Data e-Infrastructures (HLEG-SDI). He received his MS from the University of Granada in 1985, and his PhD degree from the University of Seville in 2001. Since 1985 he have worked for several private and public organisations, developing and deploying communication services. From 2000 to 2011 he was responsible for the Middleware Area of RedIRIS, the Spanish National Research and Educational Network. As part of these tasks he actively participate in national and international working groups and projects, and he have collaborated in several versions of the e-Infrastructure Reflection Group White Paper, under the auspices of the EU Presidency, in areas related to security and digital identity services. His current areas of interest are network middleware and network intelligence, virtualization of network architectures, control and signaling protocols, infrastructural and mediation service, and new network architectures and services Specialities: NFV and Software Networks. Internet middleware. Federated architectures. Directories (LDAP). Identity management systems: SAML, OpenID, OAuth. PKI. Internet security. RESTful services. RDF. SDN: OpenFlow

François Jezequel, Head of ITsation, Procurement and Operators, Orange Labs
François Jezequel works currently for Orange Group and more specifically within the Technology and Global Innovation Division, in a direction called Orange Labs Networks. He leads two main streams: the development of mutual relationships with telecommunications operators on key transformation topics - such as 5G, SDN/NFV and recently AI; to build bilateral partnerships; the coordination of the technology cooperation on networks - with Deutsche Telekom since 2011 and BuyIN for the procurement aspects (Orange-DT Joint Venture for procurement) He is really excited by the challenges offered by Artificial Intelligence and has been elected representative of the General Members at the Linux Foundation Deep Learning (LF DL) Board (since April 2018). He considers the LF DL as an opportunity to drive AI development in open source community with peers, suppliers and partners. Previously in his career, he has successfully driven during 10 years IT projects for Orange Group before moving to a corporate architecture position within Equant. He has more particularly coordinated Orange Group (France Telecom) IT convergence program in 2005. François holds a MS in Software engineering from Telecom Paris Sud,

Daniel Bar-Lev, Director, Office of the CTO, MEF
As director in the MEF's Office of the CTO, Daniel is responsible for the development and implementation of a range of strategic MEF programs that are central to MEF's transformation to an agile-process oriented standards development organization. These innovative programs - including the MEF Software Developer Community, MEFnet global implementation platform, and MEF Reference Implementations - enable MEF's 210+ member companies to implement draft and published service orchestration and definitions work in code, and to make available standardized open APIs that accelerate the availability of highly agile, assured and orchestrated services for today's hyper-connected world. Daniel has been involved in the networking industry for 25 years holding a variety of positions in RAD Data Communications, as well as co-founding Resolute Networks where he held executive positions. Representing Resolute in the MEF, Daniel served for 3 years as MEF Global Marketing Co-Chair and was elected three times to the MEF Board of Directors. Since 2010, Daniel has been a senior member of the MEF staff.

Valéry Augais, Senior Network Architect, Colt
Valéry Augais is a senior network architect in Colt’s Network On-Demand Architecture & Design team. He joined Colt’s engineering department in 1998 as an access and metro technologies specialist. In the 2010’s he has been actively involved in: the design and roll-out of next-generation packet-based Carrier Ethernet networks and services; the modular integration of the optical, Ethernet and IP layers with the aim of simplifying the transport and service architectures; the evolution of the access network for a smarter mobile backhaul offering; the assessment and development of FTTx technologies and architectures for Colt. Since more recently his current research focus is on optical SDN services, Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning, and NFV infrastructure. Valéry holds two M.Sc. degrees in Telecommunications and Computing from Telecom ParisTech and UPMC University, France.

Jean-Marc Uzé, Network Data Scientist, AIforNet
Conference Room Level O
- Exhibition open from 08.00 to 20.00
- End of Conference: 18.20
- 20th Anniversary Social Event: 19.30
NF-IX establishes a dynamic, seamless and automated connectivity model that overcomes the operational barriers and interworking issues between data centers and the WAN and maximizes the synergies between IT and IP.
NF-IX minimizes deployment risk, cost and time by leveraging open standards and proven technologies.

Wim Henderickx, Director Network Consulting Engineering, Nokia
Mr.Wim Henderickx is Director Network Consulting Engineering & PLM – Technology in the ION Division at Nokia, based in Belgium. Mr. Henderickx provides senior level consulting on advanced IP solutions for Service provider and Enterprise customers around: Cloud Networking (SDN/NFV), Triple Play, Mobile, IOT, etc. He has over 20 years’ experience in the communications and networking industry, and is a regular speaker at technical conferences all over the world. He is active in a number of SDO’s like IETF, BBF, openStack, etc. Mr. Henderickx holds a Bachelor’s degree in Industrial Engineering, Data Communications and a Masters degree in Economy and is a Bellabs Fellow.
Describing the ONF reference design COMAC, an operator-led transformational initiative to realize next-generation access infrastructure, a programmable access/edge network and convergence of control that will seamlessly support both mobile and fixed subscribers.

Aseem Parikh, VP of Solutions & Partnerships, ONF
Aseem Parikh serves as Vice President of Solutions and Partnerships at ONF/ON.Lab, where he champions open source SDN projects – CORD and ONOS. He is responsible for working with network operators and cloud providers to define POCs and help move those POCs to trials to deployments. Aseem brings 20+ years of global operating experience in the computer networking industry and a deep passion for product management and strategy to ONF. His successful entrepreneurial pursuits include ventures acquired by Cisco in 1999 and Netlogic/Broadcom in 2008. He was responsible for securing strategic customer wins at Fortune500 enterprises including AT&T, Cadbury-Kraft (Mondelez), Comcast, Fujitsu, Huawei, Kellogg, Verizon and Virgin Media; as well as federal agencies and contractors like Harris, Lockheed Martin and NASA. Aseem holds a master’s degree in electrical engineering from UCLA.
Examining how new services can be delivered by the Software Defined Edge Cloud using SDN/NFV techniques, matched with necessary mobile protocol and security capability to allow applications to be deployed close to base stations and hence the users.

Pierre Bichon, Consulting Engineer EMEA, Juniper Networks
Pierre BICHON has been working in the Telecom industry for the last 30 years after a Computer Science Engineering Degree in Paris and a Master’s in Network Architecture in Sophia-Antipolis, France. After working for various networking vendors and telecom operators, he joined Juniper Networks in year 2000 where he held various technical and management positions. He is currently Product Manager for Telco Cloud Solutions.
Drawing on real-world challenges experienced by operators in their bid to test and deliver VNF service chains. Sharing pragmatic recommendations on how operators can address the problem and enable progress while keeping their migration options open and without ceding control to any one vendor.

Jan Marien, Product Marketing Manager, Ekinops
Jan Marien is Product Marketing Manager for Ethernet and Mobile Access products for the OneAccess brand and joined the company in 2006. During his over 25-year career he held positions in engineering, product management and strategy. With a background both from vendor perspective in OneAccess Networks and Integration business with Telindus Networks, he is very much focused on integration and business development of new technologies in service provider access networks worldwide.
Describing a layered approach to validating the NFV cloud infrastructure, MANO and VNFs. Demonstrating the need for fault co-relation and NFVI analytics in testing VNFs. Presenting test methodologies and results from a successful vCPE deployment.

Rajesh Rajamani, Director of Marketing, Service Provider Networks and NFV, Spirent Communications
Rajesh Rajamani is the leader of Product Management for Spirent’s Cloud and NFV portfolio of product lines and services. In this role, he is responsible for helping validate and assure NFV and Cloud deployments of Cloud Providers and Telcos. Prior to this role, he was Director of Product Marketing for Routing, MPLS and Switching product lines at Spirent. Rajesh has worked at CenturyLink as Strategic Planning Manager and at Nortel and Redback as Senior Software Engineer. Rajesh has an MBA degree from Duke University and attended the Indian Institute of Technology in Chennai, India.
The term disaggregation as applied to network elements has become pervasive, and is often confused with other similar concepts. Introducing disaggregation through the architecture of modern smartphones, explaining its connection with software and hardware micro-services, revealing how it fosters innovation, clarifying its principles and advantages, and showing how these principles apply to network elements such as CPEs.

Yaakov Stein, Chief Technology Officer, RAD
Yaakov (Jonathan) Stein joined RAD in 1999, and has been CTO since 2011. He presently chairs the Neptune consortium – the Israel consortium for network programming, and is additionally adjunct professor of computer science at Tel Aviv University. He obtained his PhD in theoretical physics from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem in 1989. In 1992 he received the Israel Defense Award, Israel's highest award for defense-related research. His book, Digital Signal Processing - A Computer Science Perspective, was published in 2000.
High-light talk about the 2019 interoperability test and showcase.

Carsten Rossenhoevel, Managing Director, EANTC
Carsten Rossenhövel is Managing Director and co-founder of EANTC AG (European Advanced Networking Test Center). Based in Berlin, Germany, EANTC is a test lab specializing in telecommunication technologies and offers vendor-neutral network testing services for manufacturers, service providers, and enterprise customers. In this role Carsten has over 20 years of experience in telecommunication networks testing and is responsible for EANTC's business development and marketing. His technical areas of expertise include Network Functions Virtualization (NFV) and transport network solutions (MPLS; SDN; Carrier Ethernet). Before joining EANTC, he studied Computer Science at the Technical University of Berlin and worked as a Software Engineer as well as Consultant in the financial services and media sector. In 1999 he founded EANTC together with Gabriele Schrenk and Herbert Almus.
One of the enablers that 5G requires for the new use cases is network slicing, which require operators to manage the network using a completely new approach. While Segment Routing (SR) can cost-effectively deliver this flexibility in the transport network, a new paradigm of controller is also needed that is capable to manage demand admission for each network slice.

Sonny Franslay, Product Manager, Cisco
Sonny is Product Line Manager in Cisco Service Provider Networking Automation and Analytics Business Unit and currently manages the product line of WAN AutomationEngine (WAE), including WAE’s integrated solution with Cisco’s XR Traffic Controller (XTC). Sonny has over seventeen years’ experience in the industry. He has spent a good number of those years in the field as a Consulting System Engineer, working with service provider customers, helping them with solutions for network management, planning, and optimization. He has also worked as a Network Engineer for several global service providers, providing him with an intimate insight and understanding of the challenges and needs of service provider customers. Sonny holds a Bachelor’s degree in Engineering from National University of Singapore, and Master’s degree in Finance from Singapore Management University. He is also a CCIE holder.
Dynamic network slicing, the goal for many 5G use cases, requires orchestration and control across many geo-distributed network and service domains that will be a mix of virtualized and physical components. Discussing how this can be achieved with domain orchestration to simplify the creation and management of end-to-end network slices.

Michael Habib, Solutions Director SDN/NFV, Netcracker
Michael Habib is a Solutions Director SDN/NFV at Netcracker. In his role Michael is responsible to drive Netcracker’s SDN/NFV Solutions portfolio through interfacing with customers, partners and internally with Product Management and Engineering. Michael’s recent focus has been to realize the impact of Orchestration on SDN/NFV and 5G, taking a pragmatic approach to helping Netcracker’s customers adopt Domain Orchestration successfully. Prior to Netcracker, Michael has gained a wide industry experience in multiple technologies such as IP/MPLS, 4G and was one of the leading figures in his region in SDN/NFV technologies early days
Currently, the 5G network slicing solution focuses more on intra-domain SR-TE path optimization, less on inter-domain end-to-end slicing. Furthermore, some proposals are based on IGP multi-topology protocol, which makes it complicated and inefficient to implement and maintain.
Describing a brand-new Slice+ solution combining hard slicing and soft slicing to solve the above dilemma.

Greg Mirsky, Senior Pre-research and Standardization Expert, ZTE
25+ years experience in developing networking solutions and further advancing networking technology. Area of research - network resiliency and quality assurance by enhancing fault management and performance monitoring methods. An active contributor to SDOs (IETF, BBF, and MEF). An inventor with 10+ granted patents. BS in Physics degree from Latvian University (Riga, Latvia). .
Explaining the capacity needed to accommodate future traffic demands of network slices while striking the right balance between resource provisioning and service requests. To achieve its objective, machine learning architecture is adopted that is explicitly designed for Cognitive Orchestration.

Azam Beyk, OSS Expert, Comarch
Azam Beyk is currently with Comarch UK as an expert in OSS and future technologies. He provides senior level consultancy to biggest UK telecom operators on OSS solutions and transformation, SDN/NFV, AI, Orchestration and 5G. He has over 10 years’ experience in the telecommunications, and has become a regular speaker at technical conferences in Europe. He is active in a number of SDO’s like MEF, ONF and IET. Azam Beyk hold master’s degree in mobile and satellite communications and is an IET Fellow. Currently, Azam’s research interest is focused on 5G, NS, AI and Cognitive Orchestration, and he actively contributes into research papers. .
Describing mechanisms to realize network slicing in transport network. Demonstrating especially how SRv6 can be enhanced for network slicing.

Dong Jie, Senior IP standard representative, Huawei
Over 12 years’ experience in network design, research and standards Work extensively in Routing, MPLS, VPN, SDN, 5G Transport, etc. Secretary of IETF IDR working group 8 RFCs and more than 10 active IETF drafts RFC 6608, 6232, 7571, 7795, 8184, 8185, 8227, 8348. More than 40 patents in packet networking. .

20th Anniversary Reception