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Christian Hoene, Symonics


Christian Hoene | Symonics
    Opening Address
  08.30 Overall WebRTC Market Status & Forecasts
Dean Bubley, Disruptive There are 3 broad groups looking at exploiting WebRTC – enterprise communications, telecom service providers, and general “consumer web” developers. At the moment, enterprise seems to be in the lead for real-world adoption; but will that situation continue? Will telcos start to exploit it for their own uses?

Dean Bubley | Disruptive Analysis
    WebRTC: The Telco Approach  
  09.00 How to Deal with Implementation Differences for WebRTC  
Dan Druta, AT&T Discussing the problems and potential ways to solve in order to achieve the simplicity necessary to allow WebRTC to become a mainstream standard for web developers.

Dan Druta
| Principal Strategist, Standards Development |
  09.30 France Telecom WebRTC Solution
Showing how the web can be leveraged to provide communication services, based on a full web architecture, and including inter service provider interoperability.

Stephane Cazeaux | Orange Labs
  10.00 Building a One-Number Solution using WebRTC
Describing how a competitive One-Number solution can be realized using WebRTC as a component. An operator needs to define the services he wants to launch and on which devices, and these two factors will impact the time to market.

Bodil Josefsson | Business Development Manager | Ericsson AB
  10.30 COFFEE BREAK  
  11.00 Telecom Italia WebRTC Approach  
Gianni Canal, Telecom Italia - Exploiting WebRTC to create «branded» services for both business and consumer markets, also leveraging on the integration with existing communication platforms (SIP/IMS, PSTN/PLMN interoperability, QoS control).
- Developing WebRTC advanced applications based on «centralized service features».
- Exposing advanced web communication Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) both internally and to third party application/service developers.

Gianni Canal
| Telecom Italia
  11.30 How to Monetize an IMS Network with WebRTC  
Gianni Canal, Telecom Italia Operator’s opportunities and challenges in web era
How to monetize an IMS network with WebRTC
The collaboration of IMS and WebRTC
Key points: Communication as a Service, QoS, Security

Bob Ding | Senior Software Architect | Huawei TECHNOLOGIES
  12.00 WebRTC Services and Open Issues like Inter-domain Interoperability and Identity Management  
Gianni Canal, Telecom Italia Presenting preliminary results of different experimentations on WebRTC service delivery mechanisms namely IMS and Web service delivery approaches. Such experimentations also exploits some WebRTC open issues including Identity Management, Inter-domain sessions and Data Channel features.>

Paulo Chainho | Senior Consultant | Portugal Telecom
  12.30 LUNCH  
    WebRTC: Do Standards Still Matter?  
Tsahi Levent-Levy, Amdocs WebRTC Islands
Describing growth rate of WebRTC in various places.
Showing how the thinking behind WebRTC is a different paradigm than that of previous VoIP protocols – it doesn’t deal with federation but rather with creation of islands

Tsahi Levent-Levi | Director, Foundations Product Management, PSM | Amdocs
  14.30 From Standards to Scalable Deployments  
Berthold Butscher, Frafos State of the art of the standardisation at the IETF: most urgent issues currently under discussion and some of the open points missing identified through discussions with first users.
Describing how the already available recommendations are used in building a scalable communication solution that integrates WebRTC with SIP based VoIP networks.

Berthold Butscher | Founder and CEO | Frafos
    Session WebRTC and Enterprises  
Niklas Blum, Fokus Enriching Enterprise Services through WebRTC
Showing how WebRTC and web technologies can be used to enrich real-time communication services with additional real- and non-real-time data on top of an operator-based control infrastructure.

Dr.-Ing. Niklas Blum | Deputy Head CC NGNI |
Fraunhofer Institute FOKUS
  15.30 Call Center Applications  
Miguel Ponce de Leon, Waterford Institute Showing how the WebRTC channel is linked to their existing customer service centre and showing how the web surfing habits and social media connection (Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn) of new and existing customers are gathered in real time and displayed to the customer service agent in real time, which in turn is used to help the agent give the customer a better mobile contract offering.

Miguel Ponce de Leon | ArcLabs Research and Innovation Centre | Waterford Institute of Technology
WebRTC Opportunities for Enterprise Applications World
Michel L'Hostis, Apizee Explaining the various digital developments impacting the information system and digital usages in enterprises.
Describing the interest of WebRTC for businesses, like customer relationship, collaboration and unified communications.
Presenting the interest to use WebRTC API.

Michel L'Hostis | CEO | Apizee
  16.30 COFFEE BREAK  
    Session WebRTC QoS  
  17.00 Performance Monitoring of Media Flows in WebRTC
Discussing performance monitoring of media flows from the perspective of an application developer  and a service provider and thereby offering a tool set for observing, understanding, and fixing such issues.

Authors: Varun Singh and Jörg Ott | Aalto University
Nancy Maluso, Sonus Networks Challenges and Opportunities in WebRTC QoS
Discussing impact of QoS on various use cases, what to consider when implementing WebRTC in production environments and a status as to where standards are in addressing this need.

Nancy Maluso | VP and General Manager | Sonus Networks

Where WebRTC will make the most Impact First?

Dean Bubley, Disruptive

Dean Bubley | Disruptive Analysis
Gianni Canal | Telecom Italia
Stephane Cazeaux | Orange Labs
Dan Druta | AT&T

Christian Hoene | Symonics
Daniel Pocock | Debian Project
Dan Burnett | Voxeo

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