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Brochure in pdfMPLS & Ethernet World Congress 2012 Paris Conference Day Three Conference Day Two Conference Day One MPLS Tutorial
    Silvia Hagen, Sunny Connection  

Silvia Hagen,
Swiss IPv6 Council 
Sunny Connection AG
  09.00 Donn Lee, Facebook   Opening Talk

Zero to W6D in 16 months: Facebook's Road from Concept to Deployment

Donn Lee, Network Engineer, Facebook Inc.
Content Providers Session
  09.30   Yahoo ! Why IPv6

The practical importance of IPv6 differs from organization to organization.
Demonstrating why IPv6 is important to Yahoo! and other similiar content operators.
Sharing what was learned from World IPv6 Day 2011; as well as the upcoming 2012 event.

Jason Fesler, Senior Principal Architect, Yahoo
  10.00 Christian Kaufmann, Akamai Technology   Experiences from Implementing IPv6 on a Global Scale

The role of Akamai in the IPv6 transition Current status
Recent and upcoming events for IPv6 Lessons learned

Christian Kaufmann,
Akamaï Technology
  10.30 COFFEE BREAK  
  11.00 Dan Wing, Cisco   Happy Eyeballs

During IPv6 Deployment, dual-stack hosts need to enjoy the same user experience as IPv4-only hosts. 

Dan Wing,
Distinguished Engineer,

  11.30 Andrew Hug, Polycom   How Will the Migration from IPv4 to IPv6 Impact Voice and Visual Communication?

The migration from IPv4 to IPv6 will impact all areas of IP networking. Because real-time applications are very sensitive to change in the transport mechanism, this presentation focuses on the impact of IPv6 on voice and visual communications.

Andrew Hug, Vice President Sales Engineering, EMEA, Polycom
  12.00 LUNCH  
IPv6 in the Cloud
  14.00 Cloud Adoption and IPv6 Transition

Managing Cloud Adoption and IPv6 Transition within a comprehensive strategy is essential to adopting optimal solutions for the next generation Enterprise IT environments, reducing implementation costs and avoiding the negative impact of rework. Covering practical steps and processes that will  bridge the gap between the Cloud and IPv6 initiatives in typical IT organizations.

Ciprian Popoviciu CEO and Founder of Nephos6
  14.30   IPv6 in a Large Content Provider Cloud

Strato offers webhosting for the mass market. On June 8th 2011 IPv6 was activated for all 4 million domains and the IPv6 service was not turned off a day later. This presentation shows how Strato implemented IPv6 for a network this large. Some statistics show how IPv6 is doing in our network today.

Wilhelm Boeddinghaus, Head of Network, Strato
  15.00 COFFEE BREAK  
  15.30 Tore Anderson, Redpill Linpro   IPv6-only Deployments in Data Centre

The process of IPv6-enabling a data centre has usually been done in small incremental steps, with the aim to eventually have all the applications running in dual-stack mode. Discussing an alternative to incremental dual-stack: Making the leap straight to IPv6-only operation. This approach may potentially help reduce the pressure for increasingly scarce IPv4 resources, and reduce the complexity of the overall platform.

Tore Anderson, Redpill Linpro AS
  16.00   Opportunities and Automation in Enterprise IPv6 Address Planning

New opportunities are presented in IPv6 that can be leveraged to improve network design cycles and provisioning. Several considerations are presented to help guide internal address planning efforts in the Enterprise.

Paul Zawacki, Enterprise Architect, Oracle
  16.30 Brunot Mairlot   Maehdros: a Hosting Provider IPv6 Experience

Maehdros is a small to medium hosting and ISP company and deployed IPv6 during the first part of 2011 on the integrality of its network layers (BGP, aggregation and customer) as well as firewalling. Discussing Maehdros experience, the problems encountered and how they were solved.

Bruno Mairlot, Maehdros
  17.00 Christian Kaufmann, Akamai Technology   Enhancements to IPv6 for M2M

Machine-to-Machine (M2M) is becoming a driving force in IPv6 migration. It is expected that 50 billion of IPv6 enabled sensors or M2M devices will be connected to the Internet by 2020. M2M devices are single stack IPv6-only and architectured in a mesh network rooted at a gateway.

Behcet Sarikaya, Senior Research Engineer, Huawei Technologies
  17.30 Jan Zorz, GO6 Institute   Go6 Institute Works for Mobile Networks in Slovenia

Presenting the main mechanisms and "tricks" that were used to push the IPv6 deployment and awareness country wide and what is the main secret of such a success.

Jan Zorz, Go6 Institute
Cisco Huawei G6 Association Swiss IPv6 Council Juniper Networks Broadband Forum HP A10Networks Cisco Huawei Broadband Forum G6 Association Juniper Networks Swiss IPv6 Council HP A10Networks Cisco Huawei G6 Association Broadband Forum Juniper Networks Swiss IPv6 Council HP Cisco Juniper Networks Huawei Swiss IPv6 Council G6 Association Broadband Forum G6 AssociationSwiss IPv6 Council Cisco Juniper Networks Huawei Cisco Juniper Networks Huawei Cisco Juniper Networks  
Cisco IPv6 Day Cisco
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