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SDN 2013: Transforming Networking Architecture
See you next year! 18/21 March 2014
The Second Edition of the SDN Summit will take place in Paris in March 21/22, 2013. The event will take place alongside with the MPLS and Ethernet World Congress.
Upperside Conferences expects 400+ delegates to attend the conference.
What is SDN?
During the conference key experts will confront practical implementations with conceptual views on a successful concept that has yet to be defined.
Indeed, everybody agrees that SDN is about to transform networking architecture, and yet there are multiple definitions of Software Defined Networking. SDN asserts that the control and data planes are decoupled, that network intelligence and state are logically centralized, and that the underlying network infrastructure is abstracted from the applications.
How to Achieve Network Virtualization?
The other area closely tied to SDN is network virtualization. From the "traditional" models of virtualized networks like VLANs, VRFs, etc. the discussion has turned towards carving out slices of networks along with additionnal services.
There are technologies like Network Functions Virtualization which are a critical part of the bigger Software Defined Networking story. The Northbound interfaces, the forwarding models and many other functionalities still need to be defined.
The Key Questions
Representatives from standardization organisms (ONF, IETF), from service providers addressing real use cases, from research centers and from new specialised start ups or traditional equipment vendors will help delegates to understand the promises but also the limits of the new SDN concept.
- What are the key architectural choices and burning issues with SDN?
- Will SDN drive the era of commodity network hardware and what does it mean for the carriers?
- What is Software Defined Data Center and how will it impact the network hardware?
- What are the service strategies of Internet and Cloud providers?
- What is the role of overlays and VPNs in SDN and network virtualization?
- What is the role of APIs in SDNs? What level of abstraction do these APIs need to provide?
- Is SDN the only solution for automation? Or are there other valid architectural approaches to achieve the same benefits in terms of agility and operational efficiencies?
- Is OpenFlow an integral part of SDN ? Or just one of many possible choices?
- What are the issues with respect to application deployment in the context of SDNs?
- What kind of intelligence is required from the network?
- What kind of management tools are required in the context of SDN?
The responses will be provided during the SDN Summit 2013 through a set of sessions including:
Network Function Virtualization
Interfaces & components
SDN uses cases
Data center issues and use cases
Optical SDN
A panel will address the OpenFlow's current limitations and compare this new concept with other alternatives.
The detailed program of the SDN Summit is available online
# 100 Cisco # 101 Huawei # 102 Juniper Networks # 103 Alcatel-Lucent # 104 Ciena # 105 Ericsson # 113 Aria Networks # 201 Qosmos # 202 Telco Systems # 203 Etics # 204 Wandl # 205 Cariden # 206 MRV # 301 Metaswitch Networks # 302 Aimvalley 303 RAD Data Communications # 304 IP Infusion # 305 IBM # 306 Perpetual Solutions # 308 ECI Telecom # 309 HP # 311 Ixia # 401 Infovista # 501 Adva Optical Networking
SDN Interoperability Test Platform
During the MPLS & Ethernet World Congress and the SDN Summit 2013, the EANTC, in collaboration with Upperside Conferences, will organize the first ever public European multi-vendor SDN interop event, and the first one worldwide focusing on service provider wide area requirements.
The tests will focus on latest industry challenges:
- Software Defined Networking (SDN)
- Clock Synchronization
- Resilient Multicast VPN Services
- IPv6 Migration Scenarios
- Carrier Ethernet 2.0
The tests were performed and verified in detail at a closed doors hot staging at EANTC lab in Berlin.
The successful results of the tests were documented in a white paper released by EANTC during the congress.
To get more info: http://www.eantc.de/showcases/mplsewc2013/intro.html